A Cooler Self

From early times when technologies started to become the new distraction to people’s way of busyness introducing the television, radio in the 1950’s. William Powers talks how people automatically brought in the crowd to the inwardness of their life. The medium was the messages comparing to such examples like advertisements, twitter, Facebook, tumblr get away from technology and busyness and enjoy things of the past. Technologies are overwhelming society with the overload of messages and attention from others the social medias, text messages or messages coming from your social medias. How do one’s self manage to keep from being so obsessed with one’s self or how they quote on hamlet’s blackberry “Narcissus”. Do you keep technology devices on your cool or hot side how narcissus can we become with ourself and being sucked into this world of communication.

We can manage to get out of this would by slowing pulling away and fighting against the current from the whirl pool and learn how to manage the crowd in better depths of one’s consciousness. Pulling away from this whirl pull gives up most opportunity to keep and better manage other things in our daily life routines. would we consider to be on the cool side of things or hot side how does that categorize you to possibly being narcissus without even realizing it. Maybe we keep ourself in the media to get all the possible attention we strive to want from others or just from yourself. Like the guy who was so obsessed with himself he drowned because he couldnt stop looking at the reflection coming back to him. Would that compare to how we manage our daily lives today? How does that put yourself do you think of yourself most busy and distracted within yourself looking towards the reflections of your own life a reflection do you plan on drowning yourself with overloads from the crowds.

Shakespeare on the beauty of old Tools

Going back into time when we didn’t have all these fancy  gadgets or devices that we have  today moleskins where things in the past. Moleskines were much compared like a person note pad where you can write anything you possibly had in mind. Other things it could be used for a shopping list, ideas that came into your mind a special song you like. Chores to do on a certain days. This moleskine could do most things that considered of writing on that booklet to record anything you had going on in your mind at any given time. It simply took you the time to take it out of your pocket to write down what it was that you desired to record on it meaning writing down in other words. This references to todays technology an devices we carry every single day that keep us all connected to one another. With simple clicks you’ve got messages sent to millions on websites nation wide.

Any technology device refers back to that simple note pad that gives you access to write and record anything that your mind desires to store at any given time or second. It compares to how Shakespeare would take simple idea from here an there just everywhere puzzle it all up together come up with amazing stories to tell the world. With famous plays we still read todays for most of his popular plays like Romeo an Juliet are ones that tend to get most of the attention. We can thank all these simple all note pads or Moleskines that record all this with the convenience  of people simple knowledge an ideas that came to people mind at any given second. Even though they didn’t have technology back in Shakespeare time moleskines are a comparison of todays mobile devices an tablets we use today to communicate connecting with one another. All simple objects start somewhere sometime in life expand on to bigger, better things in the long run of a life span.





Walking To Heaven “Pure Knowloedge”

Speaking about an all  famous philosopher Plato an his teacher Socrates, who taught him all he needed to know about things he had of his knowledge, born In Athens Greece in  427 B.C . William Powers compares how  you can gain a depth with a connected world and the view in Plato’s philosophy views.  They both make a point of how connected you can stay with society and the connectedness you have within yourself. How do you want to manage your learning skills a connected world. Would you prefer to learn in a whole group or much rather keep things to yourself and better understand things by your own pure knowledge ? It talks about how your views a better understanding would compare to how Socrates believed writing down things. There was no purpose but to keep the knowledge all in your own head.

Can you possibly attain to better keep yourself less connected in a world of technology and digital media or better understand things by being more connected this omega he calls. Would you much rather consider to connecting to the world to be an Alpha like Socrates did, with not writing things down but instead questioning others. For many obvious things he had knowledge of already but asked to keep others to attain in much better, one on one rather than many like examples the internet. For anyways you learn or attain to keep things would you consider to be much more connected or less connected to this digital media would. How much in-depth in this connected society we live in today an does improve on the way things are done in much better ways. In my opinion without the philosophy things wouldn’t be how they are today. Our technology is so much more advanced everything is just clicks away to all the information you could possibly need. How do you plan on using your Pure Knowledge Is the question.

TED Review

For all things we put ourselves in everyday sometimes we seem to isolate from one another even being beside each other or in the same room space. Why does that seem to happen much often? An its quite common its todays generation  with the majority of society owning a mobile device. You seem to put more attention on  technology rather than the person engaging with you. It’s not always such a bad thing to want to engage with friends rather than be stuck on your phone.  We sometimes have those days where technology is the only thing we have to keep us company from feeling so lonely. Maybe it’s rather much of an excuse from actually interacting with the real world. Due to technology being so advanced today it disconnects people from the actual world.

Technology makes everything seem almost reachable, although in reality it’s all just virtual. Making the person have a sense of disconnection to what is actually real. It’s understandable that sometimes a simple text from a close friend, relative, parent  at  the start of your day can have so much meaning behind it but does that always seem to keep you feeling connected in the sense of them really being with you at the moment. What happened to the moments when we actually had the sense of wanting to hear someone’s voice. Its doesn’t really seem to matter anymore with people rather having the preference to simply send you a text instead. With All things changing you can’t ever seem to change strong connections with few people but much rather have a face to face conversation to set your mood .

Evolution Of Smart-Phones

Which once started off as huge brick with a black and green screen to make a simple call, has come  in a whole new dimension. Its brought many gadgets into one simple hand-held device we now call a smart phone. Texting has now became the new way of communicating instead of calling. Anything from Customizing your phone in things you desire to prefer instead of others like applications. Things available to be download straight to your mobile device. In the mood for music it’s all in the palm of your hand. Need directions to a place but have very little knowledge of getting to that location, no problem you can get navigated directly there. From point to point until the destination has been reach. Communication has just became that much easier and with the sense to never feel at rest from social media life.

Any where you go it all seems to just all follow you around. Sometimes things might feel a little over whelming with so much activity going on. Maybe all you need is a simple break from the world-wide web. Take a deep breath into the real world an enjoy all the natural life. As great as technology has become maybe sometimes all you need is a step out into the real world of nature. Things can only get better in the future. Mobile devices become outdated very quickly with such high demand of better things to come around. It’s sad to say how competition has become a huge factor in today’s society. As much as I appreciate all great things in technology there’s  always that time when I feel at ease to be away from it all. In just a normal society like back in childhood times when hanging out with friends was the thing to do on a sunny afternoon day.


 Conundrumis a riddle whose answer involves a pun or a puzzling twist

Pleasantry– inconsequential remark made as part of a polite conversation.

Staggering- walk or move unsteadily, as if about to fall.

Essential– something that is absolutely necessary.

Periphery– the outer limits or edge of an area or object.

Bit-player– is a supporting acting role with at least one line of dialogue.

Preternatural- beyond what is normal or natural.

Frequency-the rate at which something occurs or is repeated over a particular period of time.

Perennially-in a perennial manner; repeatedly Ex: We want to know what is perennially new about the world

Granular- resembling or consisting of small grains or particles.

The World of Technology

From being a kid fresh out of high school until now technology has drastically changed so much. Some things for the best an others not so much. My life now revolves around social medias like Facebook an Instagram which I now call part of my daily life in communication. My life through text an pictures are just at the palm of my hand . It amazes me how just years back, I had a cellphone simply just to makes calls. Now you have the privilege to go beyond an over with applications of your choice. We can talk to people on web cameras with just a simple push of a button from anywhere across the world. GPS has become the new assistance in how I get around places I’ve never been before without having the struggle to get myself  lost and stranded.

Even though I think distraction has become a huge factor in my recent years with a smart phone, I would never go back to the old ways of doing things. I’ve learned to appreciate the greater things in life. My greatest feeling would have to be the appreciation with technology in the medicine field without it some patients wouldn’t be here today. Technology is just an amazing thing in life without it my world wouldn’t feel complete. Communication has just become
a big part of my life, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Instagram that keeps me In touch with loved ones. From the present to the future we can only hope for the better things to come along in the digital age world. An Just to know that its all only a “click” away.